Using Peel and Stick Vinyl Wallpaper with Trusscore Wall&CeilingBoard Panels

Trusscore Wall&CeilingBoard panels offer a durable and clean finish for various applications. To add a personalized touch or to match specific design aesthetics, peel and stick vinyl wallpaper can be an excellent choice. This guide provides an overview of how you can seamlessly integrate self-adhesive wallpaper with Trusscore panels.

Understanding Different Wallpaper Options 

While there are multiple wallpaper options available, such as traditional pasted wallpapers and fabric-backed wallpapers, it's essential to choose the right type for compatibility with Trusscore Wall&CeilingBoard panels — we recommend using peel and stick vinyl wallpaper due to its ease of application and compatibility with our panel surfaces. There are several benefits to using peel and stick vinyl wallpaper on Trusscore Wall&CeilingBoard panels:

  • Easy to Apply and Remove: No need for paste or water, making the process cleaner and simpler. 
  • Flexibility: Easy to reposition during application. 
  • Damage-Free Removal: Ideal for temporary or changing designs. 
  • Variety of Designs: Available in numerous patterns and textures. 


Applying Peel and Stick Wallpaper on Trusscore Panels 

  • Surface Prep: Ensure Trusscore Wall&CeilingBoard panels are clean, dry, and free of dust. 
  • Measure and Cut: Measure the wallpaper against the panel area and cut to size. We recommend extending the width of the wallpaper beyond the width of the Trusscore panels.. 
  • Apply Wallpaper: Carefully peel the backing and adhere to the panel. Smooth out any air bubbles. 
  • Trimming: Trim any excess wallpaper using a sharp knife or blade. 

Maximizing Adhesion and Aesthetics: Tips for Best Results

  • Use a wallpaper smoothing tool to ensure even adhesion and remove air bubbles. 
  • Overlap seams for a continuous pattern flow. 
  • Avoid extreme temperatures for optimal adhesion. 
  • If needed, you can apply with a hand sprayer a mixture of soap and water (e.g., 3 to 4 drops of liquid soap combined with 16 oz of water) to temporarily reduce the adhesiveness of the Trusscore Wall&CeilingBoard panel to make the panel surface easier for wallpaper adjustment and application. Note: This only works for vinyl peel and stick wallpaper. 

With the right preparation and application, peel and stick vinyl wallpaper with your Trusscore Wall&CeilingBoard panels opens up design possibilies with all the benefits of durable, long lasting wall material. This combination allows for a personalized, stylish, and flexible design solution for any space.

Planning to paint your Trusscore Wall&CeilingBoard panels instead? Follow our painting guidelines and recommendations to get the best finished product.