A Guide to Effective Social Media for Contractors 

Friday, November 17, 2023

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In the dynamic world of construction, a social media presence isn’t just an option — it's a strategic necessity if you want to grow your business. 

Why? Because that’s where your future clients reside. Think of having a social media account as having a storefront on every street corner, ensuring increased visibility, lead generation, and customer engagement. Buckle up! We're about to unveil a contractor’s blueprint for social media success. 


How to Choose the Right Platforms for Your Contracting Business 

Think about social media as a tool belt, where popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn are tools that serve a unique purpose. To determine which tools to add to your belt, consider the following: 

  • Define Your Target Audience: Start by clearly identifying your ideal clients. Consider factors like age, location, interests, and demographics. Your choice of platforms should align with where your target audience spends their time. 
  • Research Your Competition: Look at what social media platforms your competitors are using. This can give you insights into where your potential clients may be active. 
  • Understand Platform Demographics: Research the demographics of each major social media platform. For example, Facebook has a broad user base, while Instagram may attract a younger audience. LinkedIn is often favored for B2B networking. Use this information to match your target audience with the right platform. 
  • Consider Your Content Type: Think about the type of content you plan to create and share. Some platforms are more suited to visual content (e.g., Instagram, Pinterest), while others are better for written or video content (e.g., LinkedIn, YouTube). Most contractors will use a combination of platforms to present different types of content: Instagram might be the gallery where your potential clients seek inspiration, Facebook is the place to showcase your work, post your website to book and gather reviews, while you can position yourself as an industry leader and business owner on LinkedIn. 
  • Assess Your Resources: Consider the resources you have available for managing your social media presence. Each platform requires time and effort, so choose the ones you can realistically and consistently maintain. 

How to Optimize Your Profiles to Attract Clients

When a potential client ends up on your social media profile, it will often be their first interaction with you as a contractor, and it’s important to make a good first impression. On social media, studies show that followers will decide within three seconds of visiting your profile if they are going to follow you or not, and ultimately work with you or not. After all, a polished profile will help instill confidence that your contracting work will receive just as much effort as your social media (and will look just as good when it’s done).  

Here are a few ways to ensure you’re putting your best foot forward across your chosen platforms:  

  • Use Consistent Branding: Use the same profile picture, cover photo, username, and similar colors across all platforms. This helps build a recognizable brand. 
  • Fully Complete Your Profiles: Fill out all available profile sections, including your bio, contact information, and business details. Ensure your information is accurate and up to date. 
  • Use Professional Photos: Post high-quality photos of your work, yourself, and your team. Images should showcase your expertise and the quality of your services. 
  • Craft an Engaging Bio: Write a concise and engaging bio that highlights your skills, experience, and what sets you apart. Use keywords related to your services and location. 
  • Use Local SEO Keywords: Incorporate local keywords in your posts and profile information. Mention the areas you serve and what you offer to make your profile more discoverable to local clients. For example, if you’re a contractor in Brooklyn, ensure you pop up when someone searches for “General Contractor in Brooklyn." It’s about being seen at the right place and time. 

How to Build a Social Media Content Strategy for a Contracting Business 

Consider your content as the architectural blueprints of your digital projects. It's not just about showcasing — it's about storytelling. Keep your audience top of mind while creating content for your projects. Display the progress completed on jobsites, unravel industry secrets, and introduce the personalities behind the hard hats. Consistency is your virtual foreman — post regularly, and structure a content calendar. 

  1. Showcase Your Craftsmanship: Present not just finished projects, but the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into each. Create content that zooms into the details, the precision, and the dedication behind the scenes. This isn't just a structure — it's a testament to your skill.  
  2. Educational Insights: Elevate your brand and position yourself as a leader by sharing industry insights. Break down complex construction jargon into digestible pieces. Explain the nuances of your craft, making your audience feel like insiders. Education builds trust. 
  3. Before-and-After Chronicles: People love transformation stories. Share the journey from the first brick laid to the final touch. Before-and-after photos not only showcase your capabilities but also tell a compelling narrative of progress. Sometimes the rather ugly or scary looking ‘before’ photos are exactly what might resonate best with your audience or ideal customer. They may be in a very similar position and then get inspired by the final reveal. 
  4. Humanizing Your Brand: Introduce the faces behind the hard hats. Feature your team, share their stories, and showcase the passion that drives your projects. Human connection fosters trust, and trust is the cornerstone of enduring relationships. 
  5. Customer Testimonials and Success Stories: Let your satisfied clients take center stage. Create content around their testimonials, success stories, and the impact your work has had on their lives or businesses. Authenticity is your greatest asset. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask for reviews. The worst anyone can say is “no.” 
  6. Interactive Content: Engage your audience with polls, quizzes, or interactive content. Ask for their opinions on design choices or invite them to share their dream projects. Interaction breeds connection. 
  7. Behind-the-Scenes Glimpses: Peel back the curtain and reveal the magic behind your projects. Share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your team collaborating, problem-solving, and celebrating milestones. Transparency builds credibility. 

Remember, your content isn't just a showcase. It's a narrative. Craft digital blueprints that not only exhibit your work but also resonate with the aspirations and curiosities of your audience. 

How to Engage and Interact with Potential and Current Customers on Social Media 

Social media is a dialogue, not a monologue, and the construction of trust begins with acknowledging and valuing every voice. Respond to comments, messages, and actively participate in discussions, and be sure to keep these tips in mind: 

  1. Prompt Responses: We know you’re busy, but it’s key to respond promptly to comments, messages, and mentions. Whether it's a compliment, question, or critique, acknowledging a comment, message, or mention swiftly shows you're attentive and appreciative of their business. This initial response could be indicative to future customers of what doing business and communicating with you will be like.  
  2. In-depth Replies: Move beyond simple acknowledgments. Respond with substance. If someone asks about a specific project, share insights into the challenges faced or the creative decisions made. Depth in your responses builds rapport. 
  3. Ask for Opinions: Your audience is a valuable focus group. Ask for their opinions on industry trends, design choices, or even potential projects. Make them feel like collaborators in your journey. 
  4. Comment Threads as Conversations: Encourage discussions within your comment sections. Respond not only to individual comments but also foster conversations between your audience members. It transforms your posts into communal spaces. 
  5. Manage Good and Bad Reviews: Manage online reviews with the finesse of a seasoned contractor. Respond professionally to both applause and critique. It's not merely about the work; it’s about the narrative you create through your online presence. If you receive a positive review, make sure to showcase it on your social media channels to build social proof and trust! 

Monitoring Analytics on Your Social Media Profiles 

Analytics are a great way to measure your success, learn more about your audience, and adapt your content. Using tools like built-in social media insights directly within Facebook or Instagram or Google Analytics, here’s what to measure: 

  • Follower Growth: Monitor the growth of your social media followers over time. A steady increase indicates a growing and engaged audience. 
  • Content Performance: Assess the performance and engagement of individual posts (e.g., likes, shares, and comments) to understand which types of content (e.g., images, videos, infographics) and topics resonate most with your audience. 
  • Impressions and Reach: Impressions represent the total number of times your content has been displayed, while reach measures the number of unique users who have seen your content. These metrics help gauge your content's visibility. 
  • Website Traffic: Use tools like Google Analytics to track the amount of referral traffic your social media channels drive to your website and to see which social platforms are generating the most traffic for your business. 
  • Engagement Rate: Calculate the engagement rate by dividing the total number of likes, comments, and shares by your total follower count. This metric measures how actively your audience interacts with your content. To track your engagement rate, calculate your total number of engagements (reactions, comments, shares, saves), divide the number by your total number of followers, and multiply that number by 100. The industry average engagement rate is 1.53%. 
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): For posts that include links to your website or landing pages, track the CTR to see how many users are clicking through to your website. It's a crucial metric for lead generation. 
  • Website Traffic: Use tools like Google Analytics to track the amount of referral traffic your social media channels drive to your website and to see which social platforms are generating the most traffic for your business. 
  • Conversion Rate: Measure how many social media visitors take a desired action on your website, such as filling out a contact form or requesting a quote. This indicates the effectiveness of your social media in converting leads. 
  • Leads Generated: Track the number of leads or inquiries received directly from your social media profiles, such as messages, email inquiries, or phone calls. 
  • Clicks on Contact Information: Track how often users click on the contact information provided in your social media profiles, such as your phone number, email address, or directions to your business location. 

Staying Updated on Social Trends 

Staying updated on changing social media trends is crucial to maintaining an effective online presence for your contracting business. Here are some strategies to help you keep up with evolving trends: 

  1. Follow Social Media News Websites: Subscribe to social media-focused news websites and blogs such as Social Media Today, Social Media Examiner, and the Later blog. These sources regularly publish articles on emerging trends, platform updates, and best practices. 
  2. Monitor Official Platforms Social Channels Blogs: Follow the official social media accounts of the platforms you’re active on, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. They often release information about new features and changes to their algorithms. 
  3. Join Online Communities: Participate in online communities and forums related to social media marketing, such as Reddit's r/socialmedia or industry-specific groups on LinkedIn or Facebook. Engaging in discussions can provide insights into current trends. 
  4. Attend Webinars and Conferences: Register for webinars and attend industry conferences or events related to social media marketing. Many experts and organizations host online and in-person events to share insights and best practices. 
  5. Listen to Podcasts and YouTube Channels: On your drive to job sites, listen to podcasts and, at home, watch YouTube channels that focus on digital marketing and social media trends. Some popular options include "The Social Media Examiner Show" and "Marketing Over Coffee." 

In the context of growing your construction business, you're not just a contractor — you're a digital architect and social media is a big part of your blueprint for success. Using the tips outlined in this blog post, you’re ready to lay the foundation and begin your social media journey. Let’s get to work!