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Best Alternatives to Drywall for Garage Walls

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Cost-effective & creative alternatives to drywall for garage walls. Explore DIY options and panel materials for your garage makeover. Read more.

SlatWallTips & TricksWall&CeilingBoard

Comparing MDF Slatwall and PVC Slatwall: Pros and Cons

Friday, May 24, 2024

Explore the pros and cons of MDF slatwall vs. PVC slatwall. Make an informed choice for your space with this comprehensive comparison. Read more.

SlatWallTips & Tricks

How to Choose the Right Garage Slatwall System for Your Space

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Slatwall systems are a great way to maximize the storage space in your garage. There are some things you should consider before buying and installing one.

SlatWallTips & TricksWall&CeilingBoard

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How to Find a Stud in a Wall for Rock-Solid Results

Friday, August 30, 2024

Learn how to find a stud in a wall for secure DIY. Explore practical tips and tools in this essential guide. Read more.

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  • History of the Truss and How it Modernized Construction

    Tuesday, June 07, 2022

    The truss, an architectural concept that grew popular in the early 1800s. Today trusses are used in homes, commercial buildings and more. Read how the truss modernized construction.

    Industry FeatureWall&CeilingBoard

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  • How to Spot a Bad Drywall Job – And What to do About it

    Wednesday, June 01, 2022

    There are tell-tale signs of a bad drywall job. Fixing drywall problems takes time. The best remedy for a bad drywall job is not to use drywall at all.

    Tips & TricksWall&CeilingBoard

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  • Build It Right. How Building Codes Can Create More Durable Structures – and Lower GHG

    Tuesday, May 24, 2022

    North American jurisdictions are looking at changing building codes to gain improvements in the energy performance of commercial and residential structures

    Industry Feature

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